
How to Start Recycling Toner Refill Business

Laser Toner Cartridges
How much money will you earn?
Cartridge recycling is perfect for organizations that want to raise funds for a specific cause or for businesses and home owners that want to cut costs on printer cartridges.
The compensation you get for a printer cartridge varies and is dependent upon factors such as:
cartridge type (ink/toner)
printer brand
cartridge model
amount of returned cartridges
recycling company
Toner cartridges will in general return more money than inkjet cartridges. Compensation levels vary a lot between cartridge models but are often in the span of $0.01 to $15.
Marketing tips for your cartridge recycling program
Try getting your biggest supporters like employees, volunteers, suppliers, partners and parents excited about your recycling campaign. Suggested marketing activities:
Send an email explaining your program
Include a message in your monthly newsletter or in your email signatures
Create leaflets for visitors to bring home
Create a campaign web site or a web page on your existing web site. The web is perfect if you want to reach out with your message in a cost efficient way.
Get companies in your neighborhood involved. Many of them will like the environmental side of the program and feel good about supporting a good cause. Make it easy for them to help by giving them marketing material and cartridge bags for your recycling program.
Put up posters at popular spots in the community
Get parents involved and hand out collection boxes/cartridge bags that they can bring to work
Promise some sort of recognition or prize to the most successful recycling individuals or teams
Make sure that all involved parties understand how they or the nature benefit from the fund drive! Excellent templates for creating marketing material for your printer cartridge recycling campaign can be downloaded here.
Where to return your printer cartridges
Companies offering printer cartridges recycling programs will provide you with easy to follow instructions on how to recycle your cartridges. Most recycling companies will also offer you pre-paid shipping and free packaging material – check the individual programs since options may vary.
If you intend to recycle on a regular basis and can offer larger quantities of printer cartridges you will probably be eligible for a free pickup by the recycling company.
Please note that none of the recycling companies or services mentioned below are endorsed by InkGuides. It's up to you to read the terms before joining respective recycling program.


icel street No:23/12 Kizilay Çankaya - Ankara TURKEY


phone : +90 506 2003540
Phone : +90 312 435 51 46


sale e-mail : cartridgegate@gmail.com
contact e-mail : cartridgegate@gmail.com